Today we held our monthly Senior Officer’s Meeting, or SOM. Because of our current small crew roster, we’re including all members in the planning stages for our upcoming activities. Those attending today’s Kelly Planning Meeting were:
Captain Jill Bogler
Lt. Cmdr. Dawn Woods (XO)
Lt. Scott Hollinger (Chief Tactical Officer)
Lt. Melissa Andrew (First Contact officer)
Crewman John Saffell
Adm. Dennis Hollinger
Lt. Cmdr. Kacie Stevens (USS White Buffalo)
For now, our Tactical department is the only functioning department we have. If you are in Tactical or Security, you will report to Lt. Hollinger and work on your rank advancements with him. If you are in another department, you will generally work with Lt. Cmdr. Woods. Eventually we will build back up to having fully functional departments with their own departmental meetings. Until then, we have a lot of work ahead of us. So… how do we do this?
Step One: Build Excitement
How do we build excitement? By making sure we have fun activities and keeping people informed. If we are having fun and show it, then excitement will build naturally. As part of this effort, I have made it my goal to keep the USS Kelly Website current and actively post on it.
We talked about our Facebook page, and the possibility of using other social media as well. I am going to postpone using other social media until we are in the habit of keeping our Facebook page and Website updated.
Additionally, please check out the Activities Calendar of this Website. It is a Google Calendar, which is easily able to transfer activities to your personal Google Calendar.
We planned our upcoming activities for the next few months. We are excited to be able to meet in person again now that a lot of the restrictions have been lifted…
- Game Night, May 15, 2021, 4-7 pm – Bring a board and/or card game to play, a snack to share, and your own dinner to eat (a grill will be available). This will be held at Commander Wood’s home (see calendar and/or Facebook event for details). Note: There will be a Zoom Meeting in tandem with this event for those who are not comfortable meeting in person yet.
- Simulator Mission, June 2021 – the Alpine School District in Utah County has opened up their space simulator again. These events are useful for those going for Command ranks and are a ton of fun. This will be in June – details TBD.
- Kelly Kampout, July 9-10, 2021 – We are reviving the famous Kelly Kampout! Details TBD, but will most likely be held in the Ogden area. We are inviting other ships to join us.
- Fleet Day, Aug 7, 2021 – Hosted by the USS Ticonderoga, this will be the annual Fleet Games in a park. Details TBD. Watch for updates on the Fleet Facebook page or the Ticonderoga’s Website.
- USS Kelly 35th Anniversary, Sept 25, 2021 – Details TBA. Be on the lookout for updates.
Other dates of note:
- June 3, Woman in Motion – this Nichelle Nichols documentary will stream on Paramount Plus June 3, 2021.
- June 4-7, KAG Virtual Convention – the Klingon Assault Group virtual convention.
- Aug 12, Lower Decks – Lower Decks season two will stream on Paramount Plus starting Aug 12, 2021.
- Sept 16-19, FanX Convention – the annual FanX convention in Salt Lake City. No Star Trek people have been announced… yet.
We are also introducing something new to the Kelly: Show and Tell. This is pretty much what it sounds like.
Do you remember being in elementary school and showing something off to your classmates that you were really excited about? Well, we’re doing the same thing for the first few minutes of every activity. This could be something as simple as the new toy you found at the thrift store, proof of winning a game at a convention that you were excited about, or even your new camera drone. It doesn’t matter if it is Star Trek or even sci-fi at all, just as long as you are excited to share it with your fellow crewmembers. Just remember to keep it family friendly.
Step Two: Promotion/Advertisement
The Seventh Fleet wants all of the ships in the Fleet to have a promotional banner. Unlike the flag of the past, this is going to be printed. Some of the design elements are static – so as to be uniform with the other ships – but the rest is completely up to us.
Admiral Hollinger has been working with former Captain Nada and the senior officers to come up with a design. This is still in the works. We already have the base for the banner – we just need to finish the design so we can get it printed out.
Other things that were discussed for promotion is getting new club t-shirts, and uniforms. I, like a lot of us, have outgrown the uniforms I currently have. Getting a new one will take money and, honestly, that’s one thing I’ve placed on the back burner for me now. (This pesky thing called “real life” keeps wanting to interfere.)
Well, that’s about it for now.
Live Long and Prosper,
Captain Jill Bogler-Patterson