One thing I want to do as Captain is to keep the legacy of the USS Kelly alive. As part of that, I wanted to find and share our old newsletters. Thanks to Admiral Carl Stark, I was able to get most of our back issues (from volume 1 through volume 68) up on our Website. You may have noticed a few changes because of it.
As I was perusing these old issues, I was remembering when I joined the USS Kelly. I remembered being asked to write an article and that it was published. Well, I found it. I didn’t put my name on the article in the issue, but I distinctly remember that it was about the Tenctonese (the aliens in Alien Nation) and that I wrote it like a bunch of various logs. I wanted to share that with you… so here it is.
This article was published the first part of 1994, and was in the first issue of the Communique published after I joined in December 1993. Sometimes I forget how much time has passed since I joined this organization. A lot has changed, but a lot remains the same – namely the friendships I’ve made along the way. I hope that you find the same enjoyment with the USS Kelly as I have over the past two-and-a-half decades.
Live long and prosper,
Captain Bogler