
All posts for the month July, 2021

The design is complete and the vendor chosen. We have a short time to get these shirts done before Fleet Day on August 7th.

Click the link to order. Order form closes July 30, 2021.

Cost is $20.00 per shirt. Pay me (Captain Bogler). Venmo is preferred, but we can make other arrangements. I’ll have them shipped to me, and I’ll distribute them at Fleet Day, unless I see you earlier. Adult and Youth sizes are both available.

One thing I want to do as Captain is to keep the legacy of the USS Kelly alive. As part of that, I wanted to find and share our old newsletters. Thanks to Admiral Carl Stark, I was able to get most of our back issues (from volume 1 through volume 68) up on our Website. You may have noticed a few changes because of it.

As I was perusing these old issues, I was remembering when I joined the USS Kelly. I remembered being asked to write an article and that it was published. Well, I found it. I didn’t put my name on the article in the issue, but I distinctly remember that it was about the Tenctonese (the aliens in Alien Nation) and that I wrote it like a bunch of various logs. I wanted to share that with you… so here it is.

This article was published the first part of 1994, and was in the first issue of the Communique published after I joined in December 1993. Sometimes I forget how much time has passed since I joined this organization. A lot has changed, but a lot remains the same – namely the friendships I’ve made along the way. I hope that you find the same enjoyment with the USS Kelly as I have over the past two-and-a-half decades.

Live long and prosper,
Captain Bogler

We are getting ready to have new USS Kelly t-shirts made. After lots of discussion, we’ve decided that the t-shirts will be a dark purple with silver ink. We will have two images on it, and we need YOUR help to pick it.

This first graphic will go on the front of the t-shirt in the area where a pocket would go.

T-shirt front graphic

One of the following three images will go on the back of the t-shirt. The only question is, which one? This is where we need your opinion. Pick your favorite and then you can vote on our Facebook Poll (here) or send us your vote by e-mail.

So… which will it be? Vote and we’ll find out!

Voting closes on July 20th.

It’s finally out!

Thanks to everyone who contributed to this first volume of our re-launched newsletter. It is published in PDF format, and is free for download from here, our Facebook page, and is also being distributed through our email contact list. You are more than welcome to print out a copy.
(Note: If you want us to mail you out a printed copy, please contact the Command Staff as there will be a cost.)

You can download a copy here.