
All posts for the month December, 2016

I am very proud to announce that the U.S.S. Kelly’s Tactical department is back up and running!


Let me introduce myself. I am Lt. Commander Jill Bogler-Patterson, Chief Tactical Officer of the USS Kelly and general pain in the rear. I have been involved with this fine ship for over two decades, though due to real life issues I have not been able to work with the Kelly as I have in the past. Fortunately, that has changed.

Captain Hollinger asked me to head this department, and I have taken on the challenge with gusto.

Since the Tactical department is in charge of gaming events, we have started with a Star Trek based role playing game that will be held the first Saturday of every month and is created using the GURPS system. You can check out the USS Kelly calendar on this Web site for game dates and times. These Tactical Logs will be used to provide information on what we’re up to, but we’re also going to write up our game-play as a story.

Speaking of the story…
We are all recent graduates of Starfleet Academy, on our final training cruise aboard the USS Chimera. The Chimera is set to be mothballed and a museum piece after this mission. Of course, nothing ever goes as planned, does it?


If you are interested in creating a character, come up with a character idea and contact our game master here. (For example, I am a half-Betazoid/half-Caitian engineering graduate.)

If you’d like more information about the U.S.S. Kelly in general or the Tactical department specifically, contact me here.


Hailing frequencies closed.