I have never understood the thought that if you like Star Trek you can’t like Star Wars (and vice versa). After all, one of Star Trek’s guiding principles is IDIC – Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations.
For example, when I was little my dad & I watched Star Trek (TOS) reruns every week when they came on TV. It was something we enjoyed together, and one of the best memories I have of him. Then, when I was in grade school this strange space movie came out in movie theaters. I don’t remember a whole lot from the first time I saw that movie, but I just HAD to be Princess Leia for Halloween.
Now, several years later, I enjoy both franchises and many others: Doctor Who, Battlestar Galactica (both versions), Harry Potter, the DC television series (Arrow, Supergirl, etc.), the Marvel Cinematic Universe (Iron Man, Avengers, Doctor Strange, etc.). And I’m not the only one.
What other shows/movies do you enjoy apart from Star Trek? Somewhere among our crew you can find those who enjoy sci-fi, fantasy, anime, mystery, and many other genres. In fact, a few months ago we held an activity where we shared some other, non-Star Trek series that we enjoy. Together we enjoyed episodes of: Stargate, The IT Crowd, The Dragon Prince, Robocop (series), Babylon 5, and The Devil is a Part-Timer.
So with that in mind, we’d like to share a link with you. This is something our own Admiral Hollinger found on You Tube.
Remember in the original Star Wars movie where Darth Vader faces off against Obi-Wan Kenobi? It’s sort of just… there. Well, a group called FXitinPost redid it with current visual effects technology and a couple of actors filling in the more… energetic scenes. Check it out!